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a place for all things skitto

Group guideline.

Md. Jawata Afnanby: Md. Jawata Afnan
April 12, 2022 11:28PM

Group Guidelines

Introducing, ‘groups’, skitto forum’s brand-new feature. It’s a place where you can build your own community within the forum with people with similar passions or interests!

First thing’s first. How does a Group work?

  • Anyone can create a group within the skitto forum
  • Once you’ve created a group, you’ll receive the status of ‘group owner’
  • You can own 3 groups at a time. No more than that. Don’t be too greedy
  • Then you invite members to join your group. Whether they want to join that group is totally their own decision. You can’t force anybody to join.
  • As the owner of the group, you get to decide what the pinned post will be
  • The group becomes permanent after it gets 50 members or 50 posts. You can’t delete the group after that
  • A group will be automatically deleted after 30 days of inactivity
  • As the owner, you have certain responsibilities. You can’t just leave the group without deleting it first.

Keep in mind that all groups are public and everyone can see the contents. Everybody can join in if they want and there are no limits to how many groups you can join.

But that doesn’t mean that you can just spam around. That’s just annoying.

  • The maximum limit for invitation is 20 people in a span of 24 hours.
  • If you keep on reaching the maximum limit of invitation (20) for three days back to back, you will be given a “break” of 48 hours

And of course, you will have to ensure that the group follows the skitto forum community guidelines as well.