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Unable to activate sim

up vote 0
Rafid320by: Rafid320
October 7, 2019 8:48PM

Bkash die recharge korle sim active hocche na.. need help

  • Nishiby: Nishi


    কিভাবে বিকাশ থেকে রিচার্জ করার try করেছেন ?
    up vote 0
  • || amayra ||by: || amayra ||


    Dear customer, we are extremely sorry for this inconvenience. Please contact with our live chat executive through "Help" option of skitto app to solve this problem. Or, you can dial 121 from your skitto number or call 01701000121 from any other operator.

    up vote
  • himel 69by: himel 69


    Call 121
    up vote
  • himel 69by: himel 69


    Call 121
    up vote
  • himel 69by: himel 69


    Call 121
    up vote
  • dopamine detoxby: dopamine detox


    You can dial 121 from your skitto number or you can dial 01701000121 from any operator. You also can join on live chat with Grameenphone agents directly from the help option of your skitto apps... 
    up vote
  • dopamine detoxby: dopamine detox


    You can dial 121 from your skitto number or you can dial 01701000121 from any operator. You also can join on live chat with Grameenphone agents directly from the help option of your skitto apps... 
    up vote
  • dopamine detoxby: dopamine detox


    You can dial 121 from your skitto number or you can dial 01701000121 from any operator. You also can join on live chat with Grameenphone agents directly from the help option of your skitto apps... 
    up vote
  • dopamine detoxby: dopamine detox


    You can dial 121 from your skitto number or you can dial 01701000121 from any operator. You also can join on live chat with Grameenphone agents directly from the help option of your skitto apps... 
    up vote
  • shahidaaktershahidaby: shahidaaktershahida


    Rafid320 said:
    Bkash die recharge korle sim active hocche na.. need help
    up vote
  • himel 69by: himel 69


    call 121
    up vote
  • || amayra ||by: || amayra ||


    Dear customer, we are extremely sorry for this inconvenience. Please contact with our live chat executive through "Help" option of skitto app to solve this problem. Or, you can dial 121 from your skitto number or call 01701000121 from any other operator.

    up vote
  • || amayra ||by: || amayra ||


    Dear customer, we are extremely sorry for this inconvenience. Please contact with our live chat executive through "Help" option of skitto app to solve this problem. Or, you can dial 121 from your skitto number or call 01701000121 from any other operator.

    up vote
  • || amayra ||by: || amayra ||


    You can dial 121 from your skitto number or you can dial 01701000121 from any operator. You also can join on live chat with Grameenphone agents directly from the help option of your skitto apps.... 
    up vote
  • || amayra ||by: || amayra ||


    You can dial 121 from your skitto number or you can dial 01701000121 from any operator. You also can join on live chat with Grameenphone agents directly from the help option of your skitto apps... 
    up vote
  • || amayra ||by: || amayra ||


    You can dial 121 from your skitto number or you can dial 01701000121 from any operator. You also can join on live chat with Grameenphone agents directly from the help option of your skitto apps).
    up vote
  • || amayra ||by: || amayra ||


    You can dial 121 from your skitto number or you can dial 01701000121 from any operator. You also can join on live chat with Grameenphone agents directly from the help option of your skitto apps).
    up vote
  • || amayra ||by: || amayra ||


    Chill deals থেকে তুমি নিতে পারবে discounted promo deals! And the best part? chill deals কিনতে account-এ balance থাকা লাগে না! Straight bKash/nagad/rocket/bank card দিয়ে কিনে ফেলতে হয়!

    chill deals কিভাবে কিনবো? এইটা নিয়ে অনেকের মাঝেই একটা confusion আছে। Worry not! তোমাদের chill deals কেনার নিয়ম বলে দিচ্ছি

    - skitto app-এর chill deals option-এ যাও

    - পছন্দের deal-এ buy now button tap করো

    - bKash/nagad/rocket/bank cards এর option choose করো

    - verification করে নিয়ে নাও deal!

    Oh and plus point, chill deal-এর সাথেও তুমি পেয়ে যাবে skitpoints!

    up vote
  • || amayra ||by: || amayra ||


    Chill deals থেকে তুমি নিতে পারবে discounted promo deals! And the best part? chill deals কিনতে account-এ balance থাকা লাগে না! Straight bKash/nagad/rocket/bank card দিয়ে কিনে ফেলতে হয়!

    chill deals কিভাবে কিনবো? এইটা নিয়ে অনেকের মাঝেই একটা confusion আছে। Worry not! তোমাদের chill deals কেনার নিয়ম বলে দিচ্ছি

    - skitto app-এর chill deals option-এ যাও

    - পছন্দের deal-এ buy now button tap করো

    - bKash/nagad/rocket/bank cards এর option choose করো

    - verification করে নিয়ে নাও deal!

    Oh and plus point, chill deal-এর সাথেও তুমি পেয়ে যাবে skitpoints!

    up vote
  • || amayra ||by: || amayra ||


    Chill deals থেকে তুমি নিতে পারবে discounted promo deals! And the best part? chill deals কিনতে account-এ balance থাকা লাগে না! Straight bKash/nagad/rocket/bank card দিয়ে কিনে ফেলতে হয়!

    chill deals কিভাবে কিনবো? এইটা নিয়ে অনেকের মাঝেই একটা confusion আছে। Worry not! তোমাদের chill deals কেনার নিয়ম বলে দিচ্ছি

    - skitto app-এর chill deals option-এ যাও

    - পছন্দের deal-এ buy now button tap করো

    - bKash/nagad/rocket/bank cards এর option choose করো

    - verification করে নিয়ে নাও deal!

    Oh and plus point, chill deal-এর সাথেও তুমি পেয়ে যাবে skitpoints!

    up vote