From 7th June, 2020 we will be introducing our
new biskut distribution method. Biskuts will now only be given to posts and
comments in the solution hub and there will be slight changes in the amount
of biskuts you will receive for each interaction. Here are the new biskut
start a post in solution
3 biskuts
comment on others' posts
in solution hub
3 biskuts
daily forum visits
(once every 24 hours)
2 biskuts
100th comment on others'
posts in solution hub
50 biskuts
50th post in solution
50 biskuts
every 100th comment
after the first 100 comments in solution hub
40 biskuts
every 50th post after
the first 50 posts in solution hub
40 biskuts
This modality will be applicable from 7th of
June, 2020.
From 7th June, 2020 we will be introducing our
new biskut distribution method. Biskuts will now only be given to posts and
comments in the solution hub and there will be slight changes in the amount
of biskuts you will receive for each interaction. Here are the new biskut
start a post in solution
3 biskuts
comment on others' posts
in solution hub
3 biskuts
daily forum visits
(once every 24 hours)
2 biskuts
100th comment on others'
posts in solution hub
50 biskuts
50th post in solution
50 biskuts
every 100th comment
after the first 100 comments in solution hub
40 biskuts
every 50th post after
the first 50 posts in solution hub
40 biskuts
This modality will be applicable from 7th of
June, 2020.
From 7th June, 2020 we will be introducing our
new biskut distribution method. Biskuts will now only be given to posts and
comments in the solution hub and there will be slight changes in the amount
of biskuts you will receive for each interaction. Here are the new biskut
start a post in solution
3 biskuts
comment on others' posts
in solution hub
3 biskuts
daily forum visits
(once every 24 hours)
2 biskuts
100th comment on others'
posts in solution hub
50 biskuts
50th post in solution
50 biskuts
every 100th comment
after the first 100 comments in solution hub
40 biskuts
every 50th post after
the first 50 posts in solution hub
40 biskuts
This modality will be applicable from 7th of
June, 2020.
From 7th June, 2020 we will be introducing our
new biskut distribution method. Biskuts will now only be given to posts and
comments in the solution hub and there will be slight changes in the amount
of biskuts you will receive for each interaction. Here are the new biskut
start a post in solution
3 biskuts
comment on others' posts
in solution hub
3 biskuts
daily forum visits
(once every 24 hours)
2 biskuts
100th comment on others'
posts in solution hub
50 biskuts
50th post in solution
50 biskuts
every 100th comment
after the first 100 comments in solution hub
40 biskuts
every 50th post after
the first 50 posts in solution hub
40 biskuts
This modality will be applicable from 7th of
June, 2020.
From 7th June, 2020 we will be introducing our
new biskut distribution method. Biskuts will now only be given to posts and
comments in the solution hub and there will be slight changes in the amount
of biskuts you will receive for each interaction. Here are the new biskut
start a post in solution
3 biskuts
comment on others' posts
in solution hub
3 biskuts
daily forum visits
(once every 24 hours)
2 biskuts
100th comment on others'
posts in solution hub
50 biskuts
50th post in solution
50 biskuts
every 100th comment
after the first 100 comments in solution hub
40 biskuts
every 50th post after
the first 50 posts in solution hub
40 biskuts
This modality will be applicable from 7th of
June, 2020.
From 7th June, 2020 we will be introducing our new biskut distribution method. Biskuts will now only be given to posts and comments in the solution hub and there will be slight changes in the amount of biskuts you will receive for each interaction. Here are the new biskut distributions:
start a post in solution hub
3 biskuts
comment on others' posts in solution hub
3 biskuts
daily forum visits
(once every 24 hours)
2 biskuts
100th comment on others' posts in solution hub
50 biskuts
50th post in solution hub
50 biskuts
every 100th comment after the first 100 comments in solution hub
40 biskuts
every 50th post after the first 50 posts in solution hub
40 biskuts
This modality will be applicable from 7th of June, 2020.
সাবাস। সব কিছু নিয়ন্ত্রণেআসছে।
সাবাস। সবকিছু নিয়ন্ত্রণে আসবে
ami chai olpo tk besi internet or besi mayad
Great Idea
বুঝি নাই
Shahnaz akter said:
Great Job..
But How we Use this Biskuts?
Kom dam a internet ci
মিনিট কিনা যাবে নাকি
অাগের টাই ভাল ছিলো
আমি চাই
আমরা ঘর বন্ধি মানুষ তাই ঘরে বসে কম টাকায় এমবি চাই আপনেদের কাছে ????
অনেক ভাল কিন্ত প্রতিদিন টাকা কে দিবে এমবি বরার জন্য
Hey guys,
From 7th June, 2020 we will be introducing our new biskut distribution method. Biskuts will now only be given to posts and comments in the solution hub and there will be slight changes in the amount of biskuts you will receive for each interaction. Here are the new biskut distributions:
start a post in solution hub
3 biskuts
comment on others' posts in solution hub
3 biskuts
daily forum visits
(once every 24 hours)
2 biskuts
100th comment on others' posts in solution hub
50 biskuts
50th post in solution hub
50 biskuts
every 100th comment after the first 100 comments in solution hub
40 biskuts
every 50th post after the first 50 posts in solution hub
40 biskuts
This modality will be applicable from 7th of June, 2020.