- Winners will be announced every week based on their collection of biskuts through activities on forum, from Monday to Sunday.
- One person can become a forum king multiple times but he/she is eligible for gift only once a month. So if forum king of week 1 becomes forum king again on week 3, the second place holder of week 3 will get the gift.
- skitto reserves the right to make changes to forum rules any time
- Anybody found abusing the forum rules will be banned.
- Winners will be announced every week based on their collection of biskuts through activities on forum, from Monday to Sunday.
- One person can become a forum king multiple times but he/she is eligible for gift only once a month. So if forum king of week 1 becomes forum king again on week 3, the second place holder of week 3 will get the gift.
- skitto reserves the right to make changes to forum rules any time
- Anybody found abusing the forum rules will be banned.
How can i participate on forum?