Russell said: Since I came to know that Skitto is not Grameen Phone, I was wondering how do I switch my number to Grameen Phone?
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Yes, skitto is not Grameenphone but it's the digital product of Grameenphone. It can be migrate out from skitto by visiting the GPC.
@rehan reza
Thanks, vaiya ?
আপনি যেকোন গ্রামীণ সেন্টার থেকে আপনার Skitto সিমটি মাইগ্রেট করে গ্রামীণফোন করতে পারবেন ফ্রীতে।
আরো বিস্তারিত জানতে Skitto হেল্পলাইন ১২১ ও ০১৭০১০০০১২১ কল দিন।
Yes, skitto is not Grameenphone but it's the digital product of Grameenphone. It can be migrate out from skitto by visiting the GPC.
Yes, skitto is not Grameenphone but it's the digital product of Grameenphone. It can be migrate out from skitto by visiting the GPC.
Yes, skitto is not Grameenphone but it's the digital product of Grameenphone. It can be migrate out from skitto by visiting the GPC.