
Call Rates

Check out our super transparent call rates. We’ve already added 23% Supplementary Duty (SD) + 15 % VAT inclusive of SD + 1% surcharge on base tariff/price so you don’t have to bring out that calculator. How bout that for transparency!

Call Type Time Tarriff in Taka With VAT, SD & Surcharge in taka Pulse
skitto to skitto 24 hours 0.95/min 1.32/min 1 Sec
skitto to other GP products 0.95/min 1.32/min
skitto to any local  number 0.95/min 1.32/min


By the way, please note that short codes of other institutions will be charged according to the modality of the institution.

SMS Type Time Tarriff in taka With VAT, SD & Surcharge in taka
skitto to skitto 24 hours 0.25/SMS 0.35/SMS
skitto to other GP numbers 0.25/SMS 0.35/SMS
SMS (skitto to any local number) 0.25/SMS 0.35/SMS
international number 2.50/SMS 3.33/SMS


These rates are applicable for any time of the day. Click here to know our ISD rates